Arriving to West Papua, Wamena

First I start with how I decided to go to West Papua and who I'm travelling with. My auntie Merike once called and told me she found cheap tickets from Helsinki to West Papua. The plan is to hike in Baliem Valley for 5-7 days and then visit amazing Raja Ampat. She said it has been her dream to go there for a while now but she has some doubts and wanted to ask advise! Of course I encouraged her to go, it sounds amazing, I said. If not now, then when? She done the decision, booked the tickets and going with her husband to amazing Papua. Life goes on and couple of weeks later she is calling me again to ask if I'd like to join them. She knows I love travelling and I don't say no for adventures. I didnt think long and decided to do it! YOLO (You only life once). At the end her husband is not coming due some work issues. So the game is changed now we are going together - just two of us and no guide while hiking! It's exiting but we don't know what to expect. We have never...