2nd day. Trekking to Hitugi village.

Last night while I was writing my blog I dozed off for a couple of times. When I woke up I continued writing nonsense. Literally anything I wrote didn't make sense. Now fresh and rested I can finish my notes about previous days. Its only 4.30 am. Pastor was already outside, cutting the grass for babi (it means "pig" in Indonesian). As it's still very early, the weather is a bit cooler. The fog is covering beautiful mountains and green fields. The grass is still wet from raining all night and the yellow flowers around us are getting brighter while the sun is smiling behind the clouds. Almost like in a fairytale. Ester changed her clothes for more festive ones. I think the dress she put on is only for special occasions, like going to the church. All family gathered together to take photos with us. Such a beautiful moment, it almost felt like we are part of the family. Its time to say goodbye to this lovely family and continue our journey. Before we...